Tuesday, May 26, 2015

First Blog.....e.v.e.r

This is my very first blog. What do I know about blogs? Absolutely nothing! Sure, I have read a few blogs and even follow 1 or 2 but I haven't the faintest notion about starting a blog. Yet, in all my awesomeness here I sit typing away. Why you might be asking? That is a very valid question and I have a very valid answer- My teacher made me do it. That's right folks, I am a student too! Really, I am a second grade teacher who is seeking her master's in Educational Leadership at Regent University. See, I have this professor who doesn't know me because we only communicate through messages and Twitter (that's right I can tweet too!). He doesn't know that I am giving God my anxieties over this course. He doesn't know that I am trying really hard to impress him with my not-so-high-tech tech skills. He had this notion to create an assignment where I ( and everyone in the class) would have to create a blog about Tech Trends in Education. So here I sit wondering what's a girl to do! So I began typing and deciding how I want this blog to sound to come across to all of you wonderful readers out there. I better get studying up on these Tech Trends because with my savvy skills I have a lot of work to do! Can you tell that was sarcasm?? Not the studying part but the savvy skills part. Remember- I'm just Teachin' it Real.

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