Friday, May 29, 2015

Tech Experience #1

Being an Elementary School teacher is hard! Don't misunderstand me. I love teaching but it is a hard job. I was into computers at an early age. I was in the fourth grade and wanted to stay after school for a computer class. Computers were new then and I really wanted to learn how to use them. I was excited because it was a week long program and I learned a lot about the old tiny Mac. Fast forward many years and students are working with technology I could have only dreamed about. Here lies my challenge- I have no wifi for any labtops or iPads in my mobile classroom. Good news is that my principal says I will have it within 10 days. Bad news is school ends in 15. Good news is I will be all set for next year-I'll take it! I have been researching some awesome tech trends I would like to try with my second grade class next year. I tested them out and wrote a review of the pros and cons. Of course, once I implement them I will be able to add some firsthand knowledge.

1. BLOOMZ app- This is an app for the teacher's phone that turns the classroom into a community by connecting parents. I have already set up my account and cannot wait to use this. I can send messages to my parents (once they enroll) and they can reply back without handing out my personal cell phone number. Second, I can post videos and pictures of things we are doing and learning in class. Side note* these images are only seen by subscribes to my Bloomz account. I will be able to show parents our class calendar, upcoming events, field trips and attach the permission slip all with a push of a button. Last, I can have a volunteer sign up page or request need items. This is going to be valuable because I won't have to search for a phone number I can just text the parent on the go. Read all about Bloomz here:

2. Moodle- I am excited about this one but have yet to check it out to see all the ins and outs of it. This is the first thing on my to-do list once summer break begins. It is an online learning management system. Teachers create online courses that extend student learning. Teachers can upload content, add gradeable assignments and add collaborative activities such as forums and wikis. My objective with this technology is to have my students respond to class discussion questions using a wiki. Students will respond and read other posts and respond to those classmates thoughts as well. If anyone has any experience with this please let me know. Read all about Moodle here:

3. Ipad- Yes, yes we all know what these are but I am going to tell you how I used them last year with my first graders, this year with my second graders and how I will use them next year with my second graders. First, I use them for math fluency practice. Young learners can never have enough addition and subtraction (15 min each day). Second, sight word practice. I used this more in first grade than in second grade. Third, the app iTalk. This is awesome for students to hear themselves read and respond to their work. I have students read for 3 minutes into the app. Once they are done I will listen to playback with the student and make notes on what I hear. Then I will ask them some questions about their reading and ask them what they notice. It really helps students take ownership of their learning. Young students do not have the opportunity to hear their own voice but iTalk provides that. 

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