Saturday, June 27, 2015

Technology in the elementary classroom #3

Should elementary students be using technology in the classroom? Most say it is an definite yes but what about those that think children should not be using technology. I don't know many cons to children using tech in education but I can think of many pros. I read an article on Ed Tech Review that was really interesting. The author published stats about children using technology at an early age and how most apps in the iTunes store were for preschool and elementary age children. For me personally I have spent a lot of money on apps for my boys. I started when my youngest was in preschool. He has all the math apps and sight words apps. The math fluency helps him tremendously in enhancing and honing his newly acquired addition and subtraction skills. He is currently working on multiplication and division fluency. We use Reflex math at home. He enjoys it and the extra practice is reflected in him math grade at school. Now it is summer break and he is still practicing his fluency every day for 15-30 minutes.

Technology is all about students of all ages taking responsibility for their learning. No one wants to hear a teacher lecture everyday but they do want to explore the internet and find answers and solutions to real world problems. Students can take a virtual field trip, skype with students across the country or world to learn what the weather is like there and email with an expert to learn more about a topic. These are just a few ways that students can use technology to go deeper into learning.

Thoughts? Please share. I love to hear new ideas.

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